Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jefferson County, Co. How often do family members win custody away from biological parent?

Reasons for.Jefferson County, Co. How often do family members win custody away from biological parent?
there would have to be some serious proof that the bio parents were terrible. i'm assuming you would really need a social worker or child services to step in. they don't just take kids away from the bio parents.

unless there is something seriously wrong with the parents, i don't think it's anyone's right to try and get custody. unless the sitatuion is dangerous, children belong with their parents.Jefferson County, Co. How often do family members win custody away from biological parent?
It is under the jurisdiction under the law of the land.If you lodge a complain with the police then the law of the land will take care about it,but you have to be doubly positive to ensure that you are sure that your biological parents are not behaving as per your desire,make sure as to what they are expecting out of you.
In all states there must be a serious serious reason. Severe neglect, alcohol or drug abuse with no treatment, the child is in danger, etc. Courts always want to keep families together, sometimes past the time they should. But they give them every chance possible.
Abusing their children in the home. Neglecting the children leaving them home alone or with a younger sibling.

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