Saturday, July 31, 2010

Survey: Do Think That The Parent Who Abort Their Child Should Be tried For Murder/Manslaughter?

I read in the Newpaper Daily Mail that a child aborted at 22 weeks, 24 weeks is still alive and are left to die.Survey: Do Think That The Parent Who Abort Their Child Should Be tried For Murder/Manslaughter?

I think it's the woman's right to choose. It's her body and her life that will be changing.


I have seen documentaries on abortion, and I know that when the baby is too old to terminate by a pill, they pull the baby out whilst still alive. Sometimes the only way to retrieve the baby is to pull it by the arm or foot, and since their bodies are so fragile, their limbs are sometimes pulled off (no matter how careful the doctor is). For this reason, I would never have an abortion.

I don't agree in abortion up to 22 weeks. I maintain that if a woman wants an abortion, she should have it as soon as possible. If she has left it so late, she should have the baby and give it up for adoption. You need to remember though, that the only reason babies of 24 weeks can survive, is because healthcare has improved, and these babies are put on months of life support machines. If these machines weren't available, the age of survival for premature babies would be significantly later than 24wks. Therefore the abortion laws in the UK would be more widely accepted.

I also disagree with people that get pregnant and have routine abortions as a consequence of their lifestyle, but this is only a small percentage of cases.


At the end of the day, it's not up to anyone but the mother. In the UK we have a certain limit of freedom to do what we want, and therefore no judge or jury can tell her she has committed murder.Survey: Do Think That The Parent Who Abort Their Child Should Be tried For Murder/Manslaughter?
As one answerer said, the Daily Mail is an anti choice publication. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.

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No doubt the answer is a yes.
HELL yeah they should be anything over 20wks gestation is considered a baby?If you deliver at 20 wks plus++++ and if the baby is still born you still have to have a funeral.Im dead against abortions i have had 2 d/c and they were bad enough There are ways of not falling pregnant in the first place. I have 6 healthy children and 1 due on the 29th of Feb
no because i look at it this way, who are we to judge there is only one to judge and that is god. they will answer for having an abortion when it is there time to meet the maker
omg, that is so revolting.

and to answer your wquestion - YES they should be tried for FIRST degree murder.

Absolutely. And make sure they get the death penalty too. It's the ideal solution for overpopulation.
It should be a very personal decision. Not everyone who gets pregnant should be a parent. Personally, an unstable or disinterested person should not be charged for having an abortion, but anyone who mistreats a child who is actually here should be charged at the least with child abuse or worse depending on what injustice is done to the child.
i think in my own opinion abortions are fine but not at 22,24 weeks they are fully grown babys at thats stage i could not imagine any doctor aborting a baby at that stage they are most likely do them between 8 and 12 weeks, and even so i dont think that they would leave the baby to die, some babys can survive at 20 weeks

And the Daily Mail wouldn't happen to be a pro-life publication, would it?

no, they should be celebrated!
Name somewhere in the US where you can abort at 22 weeks. Oh, thats right, it's illegal.

If you are doing an abortion on the side of the road in the back of someones van and risking infection and injury to yourself, oh well, idiots deserve what is coming to them.

Why do you start up drama?
No, since it's an evacuation of a cluster of cells.

Stop trying to force your opinions on other people. It has the opposite effect.
That's horrid!!! I think that abortions should defiantly only be able to be performed before the baby is any bigger then the size of a quarter.
most definatly they should be triled for first degree murder
No I don't.

Although I don't morally agree with abortion and would NEVER do it myself, I do have empathy for alot of people and realise that for most women the decision to abort is not an easy one and some people are just not capable of having a child for their own reasons. I agree they should have been more careful but as the child of a love-less, selfish, abusive mother who had me and treated me disgustingly I think that abortion is a better option than this.

But I do think that it should be illegal after 8 weeks when the fetus has nerves developed and can feel pain.

I think there should be a consequence after abortion after 8 weeks but I don't think it should be murder or manslaughter.

Where I live abortion is illegal at any stage of pregnancy except for under medical circumstances.

Unfortunately, people get around this my stating that it is causing mental distress and all they have to do is have a mandatory counselling session and then they can have an abortion.

I really think that more research should be done into abortions and the mental and physical effects they have long term and a complete restructure of the legal ramifications definately needs to be done.
No, and it won't happen. The news you read is bunk. Abortions kill the baby while it is still inside of the mother, they do not just pull them out and leave them to die. While I would never want an abortion myself, I am too maternal and would want to keep a baby. Many women make the choice for themselves and should be allowed to continue to do so. Read up on the history of abortion, ever since ancient societies it was a private act, just like sex, and was accepted as normal. This only changed in the US in the late 1800s when men noticed that more of the upper class women were seeking abortions... and of course they couldn't allow that!

Abortion is not a new thing, it has been around for ages... it is only in societies current state of over analizing and reaching into peoples private matters that it has become an issue of this magnitude.

Also *edit* it is not illegal to abort at 22 weeks, it is the second trimester. Look up Roe v. Wade and the precedent that was set. Laws in the US can only govern abortion in the 3rd trimester, and even then there are limits to how much they can be banned.
No I think that abortion is an individuals personal choice.

whatever article you read seems like inflammatory propaganda.

There are too many children out there that are unwanted and live miserable lives because of the mistakes of their parents.

If someone is responsible enough to admit that then I respect their decision..

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