Tuesday, August 24, 2010

As the parent of a 17 year old daughter,would you stress consequences of sex or attempt to keep her from it?

Would you allow her to make her own choices in this situation and address consequences and help her make wise choices or would you try tell her ';Don't do it'; and restrict her to keep her away from it.As the parent of a 17 year old daughter,would you stress consequences of sex or attempt to keep her from it?
Forbidding a teenager from doing something is the quickest way to make sure that they do exactly what you told them not too. I think you should be open with your daughter and talk about all of the great things as well as the terrible consequences of having sex. Tell her how great it is to be with a man that you really love and how dangerous it can be to have unprotected sex. You should also talk to her about different methods of contraception. There are a ton of new pills and devices to use and if she knows about them she is more likely to use one of them.

In just a year she will be old enough to leave the nest. You need to make sure she isn't naive to the world before she leaves home. Good luck!As the parent of a 17 year old daughter,would you stress consequences of sex or attempt to keep her from it?
Kids her age think they know it all and it is very hard to change their mindset. Remember, we were just the same at that age. It is very important to keep an open line of communication. It would practically be impossible to keep her from having sex when sex is everywhere, books, magazines, television shows, etc.

You need to educate her in a nonjudgmental way, it is important for both of you to be comfortable with each other when it comes to talking about sex. Give her information about STD's, pregnancy, birth control, and relationship issues. Talk to her the importance of purity, tell her that her body belongs to her and to always remember ';some things you just cannot wash off your body';. Tell her that sometimes there is no turning back and she could do things that she would regret.

Temptation is strong and we all are human. Yes, you do not want her to have sex, but you have to be realistic.

Tell her no matter what (and stick to it) that you will always be there for her and love and forgive her.

There are many books out there that you can give her to read that tell all the facts, there are so many mis-truths regarding sexual issues such as ';you cannot get pregnant on your period';.

Good Luck!
You prepare her and tell her of the consequences. You can try to restrict her but this usually does not work. It is not the best route to take. My children have been advised against it but they have also been very well educated on the consequences and effects of it. They also know how to protect themselves and where to go to get it. Leaving them ignorant and vulnerable is not the answer.
lol... they're kind of individual. My daughter is 15 and I'm looking at this dilemma coming up.

At 17, I wouldn't restrict her, but I certainly wouldn't facilitate it either. At home dates should be chaperoned, at either house... and yet you can't control if she lies to you about going to a guy's house when his parents aren't home, or even has someone over when you're not home and you're trusting her.

I would (and will) make the rules, expect her to abide by them, and also make sure she understands the importance of condoms in a young, sexually active woman's life, and that hormonal birth control doesn't replace them as it doesn't protect against STDs.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm treating it as two separate issues. Do not facilitate the access, but encourage strong health decisions, and allow birth control to be prescribed if you think it's prudent.
It all depends on the teenager and the structure of discipline that already exists. If your child is already in the habit of doing what you say, then you may be able just to tell her that would not approve and then go into further details. If she has older brothers, you could have a small family discussion about the issue and I'm sure that they would express disappointment if she had sex as well.

Another way is just to not be a push over parent. If you don't feel comfortable about her going to a friends house or dating someone, step up. Otherwise boys will take every opportunity to get her to give in.
Well, I went through this with my own daughter when she was growing up. She is now the mother of 5. She has been married for 12 yrs and the kids all have the same daddy.

At this age your daughter is going to make her own choices regardless of what you say or do. She is almost an adult. It would be nice to have a good relationship with her especially at this stage in her life but the decision is actually hers. However, I would sit down with her and speak with her about the consequences of her behavior and the ins and outs of the sexual experience. You will need alot of uninterrupted time to sit down and talk to her. It can be a very long and deep conversation to have with your daughter. Just let her know that you love her and trust her to make the right decisions. Let her know exactly how you feel on the subject and then let her decide how she will handle it becaise, ultimately, she will anyway. If she knows you trust her to make her own decisions she is likely to make wise choices. I was always open with my daughter about sex but I did not pull any punches when I told her my feelings on the subject. She respected my take on it and made wise decisions regarding sex. We need to give our daughters more credit than we do regarding this subject. They can surprise you as to how responsible they can be about it. Good luck. At any rate just let your daughter know that you are there and will always be there if she needs you.

By the way...good luck trying to read some of the posts. One in particular doesn't seem to have learned anything in school such as writing and spelling. Its so annoying when people don't write the English language as it should be! Shows total lack of respect for our country's language!
The more you restrict the more she will pull in the opposite direction so I'de advise speaking to her as if she is an adult (because she almost is) and talking about the consequences of her actions and where she see's her own life going as far as goals, career, family etc. Treating her as an intelligent person and having a respectfull discussion should get you further....good luck.
as a 17 year old girl, i would like a mother to develop a comfortable relationship and depending on if she is going out with people or someone, then i would sit her down and discuss it. My mum and i are very close, and i went to her and told her. colleges and schooling drill it in not too do it and what the consequences are, so she will be aware of all that, and to be told not to do it, just makes people want to do it more. So i wouldn't make a big deal out of it, and make it into a general topic of conversation.
I think that I would talk to her about the consequences( pregnancy, STDs, Even Emotional attachment) I think you should just talk with her and tell her the truth about sex. I personally waiting until marriage is the right thing to tell her, however this is not the most common idea.

Tell her she can talk to you.
I am almost sixteen and understand that by my mom restricting it only makes it worse..

Let her make the decision and just be open so that she can actually talk to you about it.. it's better that she does it and you know so that she can be doing it safely rather than restricting it and having her do it behind your back and winding up in a sticky situation.
Personnally, I would stress the consequences and keep an open line of communication. I would tell her you would prefer she not do it, but if she decides to do it here is the information about it.

I feel for you. I have a 17 year old boy. I just try to keep that communication open.
You tell both sides of the story.

Sex is a wonderful thing but it comes with risks like STDs, pregnancy, and just because a guy does it with you doesn't mean he is in love with you.

She'll discover both sides on her own, so you are simply giving her the short path.

Also for restricting. Well, that is like stretching a rubber band. Sooner or later it snaps back or breaks. Short term fix at best given 18 is around the corner.
No i wouldnt keep ha away 4rm it cuz the more u do da mo she wud want it...and if you keep ha locked up she will get wild and have a reputation in the streets.but if she is a gud girl.....she should know that you are only trying to protect ha and is concern about ha as a parent should be!! becuz havin sex can get you a baby or a dease!! but if she dnt want to listen let her bump ha head and learn if she dnt n continues to do it...ask god and pray it wud b alright
You can't keep her from it. You should very much stress the consequences. All too often they get pregnant and just don't know how that happened. Life takes a nasty turn at that point. My 16 month old granddaughter lives with us now because her mother made that mistake and now can't support her. We love her to death but would have been happier had she come a few years later.
She's 17. She's a not a little kid anymore. She's almost a legal adult, and it is probably legal for her to have sex if she wants (though it depends on where you live).

You should tell her the facts! She deserves to know them, and it's normal for people that age to have sex, so make sure she is safe if she chooses to have sex.
both...she gotta understand the consequences as well as a warning...Like if u give a warning she'll think ur demanding something but if u only explain she'll think she's smart and go ahead..so give both warning and consequences....Hear wat she has to tell as well.Listen to teen girls.A caring patient-to-listen is wat a teen girl needs.Only then will she value ur advice.
I would let her make her own choices she would be old enough to make them and I would hope and believe that I have taught her enough to make the right choices when it comes to sex I would be happy and have faith in my baby
Stress the consequences, offer education. Ask for honesty. If she says she is having sex, offer to get her to the doctor so she can get on the pill. Do not be judgmental.
Let her have her own choices and tell her the consequences because if you tell her not to do it then she would try to do it too get back at you.
Let her know the consequences but from that point it is up to her. She is of age.

Care to answer mine?

The more you tell her not to do it and the consequences. The more

she will want to do it!
let her make her own dessitions but tell her the dangers and buy her condoms
keep her from it.

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